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 Post subject: At The End Of The World; My Hang & I
PostPosted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:40 am

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Joined: Tue May 21, 2013 8:05 am
Posts: 9
I've been playing my PanART Integral Hang since late 2008 and I've yet to truly meet another player of our beautiful, blissful family of instruments. I ran across a hang player in Varkala (Kerala, India) a few months ago but he was arriving as I was leaving. That said, the times I've played in hidden corners within markets, in the mountains and on the beaches in Asia has propelled me to a level of playing I had never imagined possible. Before my most recent trip to Asia, I was a casual player, now I'm a religious player. In fact, I recorded a live album using basic equipment and am well on my way to being ready to record my debut album. While my hang hang and I have been growing in our relationship with each other I'm seeking others like myself, communicators with the divine, players of the hang hang.

I live in Dunedin, New Zealand (Aotearoa). If any others who play are travelling through this magical land, my door is always open to you, food will always be on the table, your wine/beer glass full and my heart and hang will be open to commune with you...weaving melodies and overtones with the crashing of the waves outside of my humble garage sanctuary.

Arohanui (big love)...Inki

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