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 Post subject: An interesting trade!
PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:53 am

Joined: Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:25 am
Posts: 5

I've been playing the Hang almost daily since 2006, a wonderful second generation that is tuned D A A# C# D E F A. During the last year or so I've become increasingly interested in the different creations coming from Felix and Sabina's workshop - The integral and Free Integral Hang. At first I thought of finding myself a second Hang, but upon reconsidering, I have given up the idea since with the known limitations it is a a slightly dramatic desire. Yet, this realization does nothing to quiet my curiosity.

And so, here I have a proposal for anyone with an integral or free integral hang. I offer my Hang to you as a gift in exchange for the possibility of purchasing your Hang. Also, If there is anyone who has been chosen as a candidate for a free integral Hang, and who would like a free Second generation Hang in exchange for the one they were going to buy, I'm open to that possibility too. That is to say, you take my Hang as a gift and I buy yours from you.

If you are interested, let me know. I'm open to sending you a recording of my playing style so that you can discern for yourself that my Hang is in tune and has been played with love and care. Incidentally, I have also sent Sabina and Felix an open letter of this nature letting them know my intentions.

 Post subject: Re: An interesting trade!
PostPosted: Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:11 pm

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Joined: Mon Mar 30, 2009 7:21 am
Posts: 36
Hallo Picagogh,

welcome on Hangforum.

I have one question for better understanding.

Is it correct, that you will "pay" for an Integral or free Integral Hang with
your second generation Hang + money for the Hang?

Or do you want to pay only the difference between the original price from the second generation Hang and the Integral or Free Integral Hang?

If you not only pay the difference the seller make a big profit in this deal. He has a second generation Hang and his money for the Integral hang back.

This Forum dont will help to promote Hangdeals where such profits are made.
Please help me to understand what you want. I am not very good in englisch and maybe it is only an misunderstanding.


 Post subject: Re: An interesting trade!
PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 4:24 am

Joined: Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:25 am
Posts: 5

I appreciate your concern.
I'm presenting my hang as a gift. It is not a financial exchange. It is a symbol meant to express my sincere desire to find an integral or Free Integral hang. It is a sign of my commitment to continuing my personal voyage with the development of the Hang. My Hang is very dear to me. The financial aspect is as per my contract with Panart. That is to say, I will be offering the full price that they payed for their Integral/free integral Hang. I believe this is an exceptional case. If you don't think this is appropriate, you are more than welcome to erase my post.

Thank you for your consideration,


 Post subject: Re: An interesting trade!
PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 8:25 am

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Hallo Sina,

Your Hang is not a gift. It is subject to certain regulations. A gift is for free.
You will only give it away to a person who will offer an Integral or Free Integral Hang. So, it is simple an part of the payment.

I am sure, that Panart dont will be a part of such deals. An owner of an Integral Hang has signed an contract with Panart. He cant sell his Hang without asking Panart first. Panart has the right of first refusal.

I understand your wish to play the Integral Hang, but I think that your "idea" will only bring problems for you or the new owner of your Hang.


The hang brings back what we lost: we are touched by an unknown call (Felix Rohner - Panart).

 Post subject: Re: An interesting trade!
PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 4:44 pm

Joined: Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:25 am
Posts: 5

Again I appreciate your insight, but it is very conventional and plain.

There is two senses in which my move does not threaten the integrity of the project of PanArt or the contract between us. First, the contract is meant, in it's aim or purpose, to stop cowboy financial speculation. This is certainly not a case of cowboy financial speculation. In fact, It is not financial speculation at all. In fact the terms are reversed. My hang is a gift that is a part of a transaction. which is, of course, common in a whole host of cultures... as an incentive... as social lubricant... as so much more....

I'm someone who has lovingly played his Hang for many years and has no interest or desire to profit from the Hang, ever (period). I appreciate that you were willing to state for me the laws and contractual obligations that I was already aware of. Laws and contracts are protective measures; they are embodiments of Power meant to Force compliance and routinize certain types of behavior. When they don't apply, they should be actively derailed or re-interpreted. Think of Sophocles' Antigone!
I'm perennially grateful to both Sabina and Felix and I have expressed both this gratitude and my current intentions to them.

This is my last of correspondences since I don't like arguing. Like I said you are welcome to remove this if it makes you uncomfortable. My offer stands.

Warm regards,


 Post subject: Re: An interesting trade!
PostPosted: Thu Sep 23, 2010 10:10 pm

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The agreement for the Integral Hang ist absolutely clear. If you give 1300 Euro plus your Hang (2006) to someone who give you his Integral Hang, he gets 1300 + 600 = 1900 Euro.

The result would be the following:

The one who gives you his Integral Hang will have to pay a penalty of 1300 Euro to PANARt.
He will never get any service from PANart for the second generation Hang because he was involved in speculation with his Hang.
You will never get any service from PANARt for the Integral Hang because you was involved in speculation the your Hang.

In the Case of a Free Integral Hang it is as follows: Nobody who has an appointment for a Free Integral Hang is able to pass it to you. If he didn't buy it, PANArt will choose someone else, not he.
If he buys it and then give it to you for your Hang plus 1300 Euro, he will never get any service from PANart for the second generation Hang because he was involved in speculation with his Hang.
You will never get any service from PANARt for the Free Integral Hang because you was involved in speculation the your Hang.

It's only a matter of hard facts, not of words or ideas. And 1300 Euro + 600 Euro are more than 1300 Euro. That's just mathematics.

Why don't you ask PANArt for a Free Integral Hang and when you was lucky to get one then sell your old hang so someone who has no Hang for 600 Euro?


 Post subject: Re: An interesting trade!
PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 10:58 am

Joined: Wed Sep 22, 2010 5:25 am
Posts: 5
According to you and those like minded to you, it's math. I appreciate that.

It's comic that you are regurgitating basic formulas. I'm clearly and openly disregarding what I see as something that is unjust meaning that I'm conscious of the regulations. If Panart chooses to not service my hang because of this, then so be it. I'm clearly taking a risk because I believe in who I am and what I stand for. Perhaps Panart will recognize that this is not about a reductionist call to numbers as you have. And also, that a contract, just like anything else, is always subject to re-evaluation.

You are dogmatically telling me that things are a certain way... and that's the way that it is.
I'm simply telling you that things are messier than that. Messiness is the only true fact.

I have replied, in respect to you, but also to remind you that I find it redundant that you keep repeating what is on paper. Your replies make me feel like I'm in a Kafkaesque nightmare of a whole world of automotons. If you wish to open a real discussion that isn't black and white then feel free to contact me at any point at my personal email. Please consider that if I didn't believe in what I was doing I wouldn't be transparent and upfront and open on this forum knowing its tendency.

Thank you for your consideration,


 Post subject: Re: An interesting trade!
PostPosted: Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:18 am

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Joined: Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:28 am
Posts: 489
Location: Germany
I'm not docmatic, Sina. What I wrote has nothing to do with my personal opinion. I just wrote what will happen. And believe me, I know enough cases of Hang deals to know how PANArt will estimate your special idea.

I wrote my post only to give the complete information for anyone who considers to make this deal with you. You didn't give this information.

You are posting in a public forum. So you have to tolerate that others add information that you didn't tell.

Anyone can form his own view on this topic. If you cannot tolerate an open word, don't write in an public and liberal forum.


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